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Re: feature reqest: need global option eol-style

From: Erik Huelsmann <ehuels_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2006-10-06 09:18:48 CEST

On 10/6/06, alexrainpe196@hotbox.ru <alexrainpe196@hotbox.ru> wrote:
> what is my problem:
> i have used sources (fpc) which has different types eol-style in different releases. due to this i have to set property svn:eol-style for each file in release. but release has more than 4000 files. i try to use auto-props, but some files is binary, some - text. TortoisSVN detection algoritm works properly about detection binaries but if confuses with auto-property of svn:eol-style -it go an error during import.
> another thing - if i want to go to another eol-style from current, i have to change eol-style property for each file. but i have to do this manualy because some files are binaries.
> what i want:
> i guess it useful to provide global option eol-style (like in WinCVS gui) or provide such property for directory trees, so that this prop works only for text files and ignore binaries.

But from a computer stance, there's a problem with your request: all
files are binary to computers. Some just are given a textual
interpretation by humans...

So when's a file non-binary?



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Received on Fri Oct 6 09:19:24 2006

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