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Picture representation of svn operations

From: Dianne Chen <diana_chen23_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 2004-10-01 16:48:18 CEST

Hi again-

I have several years of experience with Clearcase
(CC)from a previous employer, but at my present job I
looking to introduce the excellent svn to a CM-weak

One advantage I had w/ CC was the ability to draw (on
a board, for example) an element having branches, draw
merge arrows between other branches, apply a label to
a specific element on a tree, which would then be
displayed right next to the element. It was very
convenient because you could give a visual picture to
a manager (or newbie) and have them grasp what was
going on. There was also a tool (xlsvtree) that
displayed the same representation, so that a user did
not have to think of what was really going on inside
(i.e., branches on elements were *really* just
directories hidden from casual view), and could just
concentrate on getting the changes into the correct
element on the correct branch.

I notice that the images in the svn book at redbean do
not have such a straight-forward (at least to me)
representation, especially when they discuss how svn
performs a branch by "copying" to a branch "directory"
and then you use that directory.

Please note that I am not saying svn is good or bad -
I am trying to determine a way to pictorially
represent merges and branches to users unfamiliar with
the concept who may not appreciate the fact that a
"branch" is really just a directory...

What trouble does one get into when trying to draw a
pictoral representation of what is going on with svn
(creating branches for example, that get merged into
other branches and then back to the trunk), using a
Clearcase style format.

I am suspicois that my familiarity with 1 CM tool is
biasing my ability to explain in simple terms "how to
use svn", especially when a graphical display
tool does not yet exist to supplement any explanation.

Comments? Help?


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Received on Fri Oct 1 16:48:34 2004

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