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ssh help

From: Lewis Hall <lewis_at_dedicateddev.com>
Date: 2004-08-20 02:12:58 CEST

Hi All,

Praises for Subversion:
As our company was starting, we evaluated the different options and
decided that Subversion was the best choice for us.
Our subversion repository is on a linux server, and we connect to it
from linux, windows, and mac clients.
We have now imported all of our code and documents into the repository,
have been using it flawlessly for about a month now.
We have all been tremendously impressed so far.
Thanks to everyone for all of their work.

I have perused the book and the mailing list archives and this is still
not clear, so forgive me if this has already been answered.

>From the book in regards to:
        $ svn list svn+ssh://host.example.com/repos/project

"What's happening here is that the Subversion client is invoking a local
ssh process, connecting to host.example.com, authenticating as the user
harry, then spawning a private svnserve process on the remote machine,
running as the user harry. The svnserve command is being invoked in
tunnel mode (-t) and all network protocol is being “tunneled” over the
encrypted connection by ssh, the tunnel-agent. svnserve is aware that
it's running as the user harry, and if the client performs a commit, the
authenticated username will be attributed as the author of the new

When svnserve is started manually, a -r option can be specified, ie:

        $ svnserve -d -r /usr/local/repositories

Is there a *nice* way to pass a -r option to the ssh invoked svnserver

And can the ssh invoked svnserve processes be forced to use any option
beyond (-t) ?

This thread gave a few hints:


It states:

"To get around this, you can use the "-r" switch to svnserve. Just bare
in mind that in "tunnel" mode (i.e. when using the svnserve protocol
over SSH etc.) svnserve must be run with the -t switch. Otherwise
everything will still be anonymous. You can do this by using SSH keys
and then putting something like this in the authorized_keys file:

command="svnserve -t -r /home/svn" ssh-dss AAAAB3...

(see the ssh docs for more details.)"

Once I have modified the authorized_keys file, what is the exact syntax
of the ssh svn commands? I don't think it is still this?

        $ svn list svn+ssh://host.example.com/repos/project

Has anyone done this and is willing to provide a complete example or



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Received on Fri Aug 20 02:13:14 2004

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