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Re: release patches

From: <kfogel_at_collab.net>
Date: 2004-08-18 17:11:13 CEST

xian@niva.hu writes:
> Is it possible to maintain patches for pr1.0, pr1.1, pr1.2 at the same time?

It's not possible to answer the question, not enough detail in the
question, sorry.

Are you an experienced Subversion user, or is this your first time?
Have you read the Subversion book?

It's possible, and trivial, to maintain three patches just like
maintaining any other three files in Subversion. It's hard to tell
exactly what you're asking, though.

If the question is, will Subversion automatically adjust the patches
to apply to the different targets, the answer is no, it will not.

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Received on Wed Aug 18 18:48:21 2004

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