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SSL Certificate Authentication, location of 'servers' file

From: adeveloper.tigris <adeveloper.tigris_at_elitefrontier.com>
Date: 2004-08-13 22:09:56 CEST

I have setup Subversion 1.0.6 and I have OpenSSL installed and I have purchasd
a SSL certificate for my webserver. However, every time I attempt to access my
svn repository using 'svn checkout https://mysite.com/svn/public/myrepository
'the client always warns me that the the SSL certificate is not issued by a
trusted authority (it is, however).

The SSL certificate is authentic, and I do not want to keep seeing the warning
and having to manually accept the certificate. I have read the online book
"Version Control with Subversion" and it mentions that I will need to add to
the 'servers' file the following:

ssl-authority-files = /path/to/mySSLprovider-CA.pem;/path/to/CA-bundle.pem

However, in what directory is the 'servers' file located?

Does the 'servers' file reside on the server which hosts Subversion or does it
reside on the client's workstation (if the client is accessing the Subversion
server remotely) ?


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Received on Fri Aug 13 22:10:24 2004

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