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RE: Hang on import with subversion 0.35.1

From: root <ebay_101011_0x2b_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 2004-01-13 01:36:37 CET

Craig, if you find a solution, please let me know.

I have a similar situation - client hangs for no
reason except checkin works ok, but checkout hangs it.
 Same behavior whether using command line SVN tools or
Tortoise (both on Win32).

There are no other users using this repository so it
is not a case of terminating the process and leaving
lockfiles around on the client. I even do a recover
on the server, and cleanup on the client, and it still
hangs while trying to do a checkout - halfway through.

If I kill the client, and do an update, it continues
where it left off, and a couple of iterations of this
process, and I can eventually checkout the entire

A local checkout works flawlessly, just like you
indicated. It seems to be only over the network. The
problem occurs both on local LAN (Gig-E) and through
WAN link (DSL).

If it were something with BDB, then why does it only
occur with network clients?

Here are the specs on this system:


Linux 2.4.20-27.9smp #1 SMP Thu Dec 11 13:15:04 EST
2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux


access is via svn+ssh method


Win32_CMDLINE: svn, version 0.33.0 (r7737), compiled
Nov 14 2003, 20:09:37

TortoiseSVN 0.24.0, Build 554, UNICODE
Subversion 0.35.1, dev build
apr 0.9.5
apr-iconv 0.9.5
apr-utils 0.9.5
berkeley db 4.2.52
neon 0.24
OpenSSL 0.9.7c 30 Sep 2003
zlib 1.2.1

---- I'd be happy to give someone access to this
particular repository if they could help me
troubleshoot why it hangs.


--- "Craig L. Ching" <cching@mqsoftware.com> wrote:
> > I think Subversion only supports Berkeley DB
> 4.0.something
> > and 4.2.50+
> > -- you may have problem with 4.1. This message
> seems to confirm that
> > there are problems with Berkeley DB 4.1:
> >
> >
> Hmmm, I guess I've seen others use 4.1 on the list.
> Not to mention that the import worked from the local
> system using file:///. I was thinking it was more
> of an apache thing. The wierd thing is, though,
> that after I did the import locally, I don't have
> any other problems with the repo. Commits and
> checkouts work just fine. It was only the import
> that seemed to hang, at least so far.
> > Mike.
> >
> >
> Cheers,
> Craig
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Received on Tue Jan 13 01:37:32 2004

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