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TSVNCache misbehaviour

From: john <jsparrow_at_ecclescollege.ac.uk>
Date: 2006-09-17 15:45:00 CEST

Installed TSVN 1.4.0 yesterday (great, thanks!). Today when I booted up my PC
and went to my WC folder, half of them were missing, and none of them showed
overlay any icons. TSVNCache was still running. (and no, I hadn't accidentally
clicked the '_svn' button!)

Also, weirdly, clicking into a visible WC did not show the '.svn' folder (even
though explorer is set to show hidden files, and these are normally visible.

I clicked in and out a few times, consistent results. Using the command line was
fine though, so I killed TSVNCache, and everything recovered.

Just rebooted again, and everything is fine - so it's intermittent.


PS. Also trivial suggestion, the 'Changed files' dialog when comparing tags,
says 'Please wait while we get the differences...'. That sounds a bit odd in
English (refering to TSVN as 'we'), how about 'Getting differences...' or
'Please wait while differences are obtained...'?

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Received on Sun Sep 17 15:49:27 2006

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