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Re: Problems with TMerge 'Use this text block'

From: Simon Large <simon_at_skirridsystems.co.uk>
Date: 2005-11-10 10:25:40 CET

Jean-Marc van Leerdam wrote:
> On 11/9/05, Simon Large <simon@skirridsystems.co.uk> wrote:
>>Stefan Küng wrote:
>>>Simon Large wrote:
>>>>Hi Stefan,
>>>>When you do a 2-way diff in TMerge, the context menu allows you to
>>>>'Use this text block' in the left pane and 'Use other text block' in
>>>>the right pane. If the panes are switched the context menus stay the
>>>>same, but this is probably incorrect because it doesn't make sense
>>>>when diffing against BASE.
>>Filed as issue 187. Remind me, why do we want to be able to switch panes?
> I think it is because when you start TMerge from the command line (or
> from another tool) you sometimes want to change the 'old file' 'new
> file' role of the two files you are diffing.
> In the past I have also requested the ability to switch panes in
> TMerge, but with a different effect: I want to have the left pane show
> the 'new file' (f.e. my working copy version when diffing against
> base) and have lines I added to this file show up in green. That's
> just because I am used to focussing on the left side of a window as
> being 'the most interesting part'.
>>From earlier replies by Stefan I understood that that was not an
> option, so I am now getting used to focussing on the right pane.

I think I remember now. When you select 2 files to diff in explorer,
Windows doesn't guarantee the order it passes them to TMerge. Is that


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Received on Thu Nov 10 10:24:41 2005

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