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RE: [TSVN] bugtraq feature extension

From: Eric J. Smith <eric_at_ericjsmith.net>
Date: 2005-02-21 22:35:44 CET

> SteveKing wrote:
> > VERY bad idea. That would also mean that you'd have to choose the same
> > username in the issue tracker as your login name is. That's something
> > you should never do! Your login name should _never_, _ever_ be
> > something you pick for other things, especially not if the issue
> > tracker is located somewhere on the internet.
> Pardon my ignorance, but why? It is very common practice for companies
> to allocate login names as some form of the name of the user, like
> slarge, l.onken, stefank, etc. and use the same name as part of the
> email address, which effectively makes the username public. Same for
> many ISPs, login name = email address. Surely it is the password which
> needs to be secure, not the username.

I totally agree. Most companies bug trackers are internal to their company
and, if they are lucky, then the bug tracking software will support
integrated security so that they don't have to login. It will just use the
credentials that they have already logged into the domain with.

Sure it's bad practice to use the same username for your bug tracking login
as your windows login if the bug tracking software is located on the
internet, but besides open source projects, most bug tracking software isn't
located on the internet.

Eric J. Smith

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Received on Mon Feb 21 22:38:59 2005

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