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[TSVN] TSVN Merge issue vs. "Feature Branches" in SVN book

From: Dave Peterson <dpeterson_at_enthought.com>
Date: 2005-01-13 00:47:33 CET

Hello Everyone,

To the FAQ maintainers: let me apologize in advance for mistakenly
putting a question in the queue that is probably better handled in the
mailing list here. And now on to my question / cry for help (reworded
from the mistaken FAQ question.)

Am I missing something or does the TSVN merge command (v1.1.2 Build
2205) not work like the SVN merge command? In the SVN book, the merge
command is described as being capable of taking two URLs and applying
the differences between them (ancestor history taken into account) to a
target path. This is critical for supporting the SVN Book's "Feature
Branches" scenario. See the following URL:
However, nothing I've read in the TSVN book nor the TSVN FAQ states that
TSVN merge will work this way. And when I try to get it to work that
way, it doesn't give the same results as an 'svn merge' at the command
line. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Here's what I am doing at a command line -- URL1 is my trunk, URL2 is my
feature branch, and WC is a local copy of URL1.
    c:\projects\WC>svn merge --dry-run URL2@HEAD URL1@HEAD .
And I get a list of changes that matches what I expect for the commited
feature work done to URL2 - 10 changes listed.

Here's what I am doing in TSVN -- again URL1 is my trunk, URL2 is my
feature branch, and WC is a local copy of URL1.
    - right click on the WC folder and select the "Merge..." TSVN menu item
    - edit the "From" URL to be URL2 and select the "Head Revision"
radio button
    - unselect the "Use "From:" URL" checkbox, set the "To" URL to be
URL1, and select the "Head Revision" radio button
    - check the "Dry Run" checkbox
    - click "OK"
And I get a much larger list of changes than I expected -- 2248 changes
listed. TSVN is definitely including changes to URL1 that have already
been merged and committed into URL2 -- changes the command line version
is not listing.

BTW, to ensure this wasn't because of someone promoting more changes
underneath me, I re-ran the command line merge attempt after the TSVN
attempt, and then repeated the TSVN attempt a second time. The results
were consistent.

Is this a bug or am I doing something TSVN is not designed to support?

Dave Peterson
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Received on Thu Jan 13 08:16:14 2005

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