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Re: ctypes-python bindings test cases issue.

From: Philip Martin <philip.martin_at_wandisco.com>
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2010 10:26:43 +0000

Noorul Islam K M <noorul_at_collab.net> writes:

> Test cases are written using python unittest framework and it has two
> methods, setUp() and tearDown() which gets executed for every case. In
> tearDown(), repository which is created in setUp() is deleted using
> svn_repos_delete(). During first iteration there are no issues but in
> the second iteration (test case), the system throws the above mentioned
> error. Using lsof command I could see something like this
> python 18111 noorul 4u REG 8,1 5120 279333 /tmp/svn_test_repos/db/revp
> rops/revprops.db (deleted)
> Does this mean that the sqlite file pointers are not completely
> destroyed?

Yes. The repository handle from the previous svn_repos_create function
is still around when svn_repos_delete is called.

This is a new problem caused by the revprop packing. Also, there
doesn't appear to be an API for explicitly closing the repository
handle. Solutions include:

 - adding an svn_repos_close API
 - clearing or destroying the pool passed to svn_repos_create
 - having the test create repositories at different locations

Received on 2010-11-01 11:27:24 CET

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