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Re: cvs2svn change_path crash - Windows

From: Martin Fuchs <martin-fuchs_at_gmx.net>
Date: 2003-09-11 23:21:31 CEST

Hello Russel,

> There's a small patch which fixes this issue and some other cvs2svn windows
> problems here:
> http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=41909
> It might be a little out of date now though.

Thank you, I applied it with a small adjustment on the current source code. Attached is the diff against revision 7003.

Now there is only one test case left, which fails unexcepted.
And that is related to the "x-bit", which is not present on Windows.

PASS: run-tests.py 1: cvs2svn with no arguments shows usage
PASS: run-tests.py 2: fail on encountering an invalid symbolic name
PASS: run-tests.py 3: fail early on encountering a branch with two names
PASS: run-tests.py 4: convert as much as can, despite a corrupt ,v file
PASS: run-tests.py 5: convert a branch file rooted in a 'dead' revision
FAIL: run-tests.py 6: detection of the executable flag
PASS: run-tests.py 7: conversion of filename with a space
PASS: run-tests.py 8: handle a control char in a log message
XFAIL: run-tests.py 9: handle branches rooted in a redeleted revision
PASS: run-tests.py 10: two commits in quick succession
PASS: run-tests.py 11: prune, but never too much
PASS: run-tests.py 12: file deleted twice, in the root of the repository
PASS: run-tests.py 13: simple trunk commits
PASS: run-tests.py 14: two interleaved trunk commits, different log msgs
XFAIL: run-tests.py 15: simple tags
PASS: run-tests.py 16: simple branch commits
PASS: run-tests.py 17: a commit affecting both trunk and a branch
PASS: run-tests.py 18: branch created from both trunk and another branch
PASS: run-tests.py 19: resyncing should not misorder commit groups

May be someone (Max?) can commit this patch?
The Changelog is already there at: http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=41909


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Received on Thu Sep 11 23:22:28 2003

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