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Time is money, gentlemen

From: Files <files_at_poetryunlimited.com>
Date: 2003-08-25 18:38:30 CEST

Ben Collins-Sussman (sussman@collab.net) wrote:
>kfogel@collab.net writes:
>> "Files" <files@poetryunlimited.com> writes:
>> > My point in all this is that maybe we need to be more
>> > vigilant. Because unless we are, we're going to slowly drift further
>> > from the collective commons to the elite oligarchy.
>> What gave you the impression that this isn't an elite oligarchy?
>> -Karl, Co-Tyrant of the Subversion Empire
>Honestly, Files... we have millions of balls (patches) in the air.
>Sorry we dropped yours, and then noticed an identical one from
>somebody else. It wasn't personal, really.

Honestly, Ben, if this were the case, I wouldn't have cared.

The point was that A BUG REPORT from a BIG ORGANIZATION with NO SOLUTION got
ASSIGNED and FIXED when a small timer POSTING A BUG REPORT with A SOLUTION got

A) Work already done ignored.
B) Extra work done by someone that could have worked on something more important.
C) Time lost.
D) Time is money or its equivalent.

I didn't lose anything (except as they said in "Instinct", my illusions).

You guys did. :)

You're missing out on something that would be beneficial and helpful to you and

Maybe we should be more careful about ignoring a BUG FIX instead of thinking it's
just a BUG.

Shamim Islam

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Received on Mon Aug 25 18:39:30 2003

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