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Re: feature request: checkout repositories partially

From: Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman_at_collab.net>
Date: 2002-09-23 17:52:40 CEST

Robert Schiele <rschiele@uni-mannheim.de> writes:

> project/
> Makefile
> Rules.make
> a/
> [many files and subdirs]
> b/
> [many files and subdirs]
> c/
> [many files and subdirs]
> Further assume, c/ includes some stuff that has to be kept private,
> e.g. rsa keys, and so shouldn't be checked out on clients that are
> publicly accessible.

Wow, what a long thread. Everyone seems to be talking about how 'svn
co -N' doesn't work properly.

Here's a silly question: can't our 'modules' feature solve your
problem for the time being?

Lay out your repository like this:


fullmodule and partialmodule can simply be copies of 'project'. Now
set the 'svn:externals' property on the two module directories. The
partialmodule automatically adds a and b subdirs, and the fullmodule
adds all three subdirs.

Wouldn't that work?

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Received on Mon Sep 23 17:54:39 2002

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